Explore leading generative AI policies for higher education.

With the help of undergraduates from the DS380 “Data, Society, and Ethics” class within the Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences, the BU AI Task Force collected and analyzed more than 100 documents from leading academic institutions. The documents below are presented in their original downloaded form. You can click "Continue Reading" to download these documents, find source URLs for the original sites, and filter documents using key themes to study the varied policies that address that theme.


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Introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the Classroom - Penn GSE

This resource is about page on a three part online program that teaches K-12 and higher-education educators on how they can use artificial intelligence to enhance their learning environments. This program aims to deepen educators' knowledge on artificial intelligence through four workshops, and then implement activities that utilize artificial intelligence with their students.

Monash Ethic

The use of generative AI technologies in student assessments requires thoughtful support and limitations to ensure responsible use, transparency, and adherence to academic integrity policies. Assessment tasks should be carefully designed or modified to align with the responsible use of AI, considering alternatives, open or collaborative processes, and higher-order thinking to effectively measure student learning. Additionally, the detection of AI-generated content raises privacy and equity concerns, and blocking or invigilation measures may not always be suitable, emphasizing the need for clear communication and continuous adaptation in the evolving landscape of AI and education.

My class required AI. Here's what I've learned so far

NERCOMP AI & Education Workshop Resource

New Modes of Learning Enabled by AI Chatbots - Three Methods and Assignments by Ethan R. Mollick, Lilach Mollick

PG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning_ Business Applications, Online Course Texas Exec. Education

Research - Institute for Experiential AI

This document talks about all the tools that AI gives us and how we should use them correctly so it will not cause you harm. It includes a very important topic that is communication. AI can improve communication through wireless by implementing learning algorithms to the wireless spectrum.

Rethinking Teaching in an Age of AI with James M. Lang and Michelle D. Miller

Rethinking Your Problem Sets in the World of Generative AI Teaching + Learning Lab

Show Us Your Syllabus - Chatbot Edition

Stanford ETH

Syllabi Policies for AI Generative Tools

Syllabus Resources

Teaching and Generative AI -Teaching Support and Innovation

This document provides recommendations for instructors at the University of Oregon in regards to the use of Generative AI in education. This document states that faculty have flexibility for how they want to limit or enable the use of Generative AI. It also states that faculty should be transparent with their students about their policies. This document provides sample course policies and specific ways instructors can structure assignments to encourage the use of Generative AI.

Teaching strategies to support the Honor Code and student learning Teaching Commons - Stanford

To promote academic integrity and student learning, educators can implement strategies that align with the Honor Code. These strategies include clarifying Honor Code expectations, using frequent and low-stakes assessments, emphasizing assessments as learning opportunities, allowing exam or assignment resubmissions, and encouraging intrinsic motivation for learning. Additionally, considering alternative assessment methods, ensuring question clarity, and addressing potential cheating risks in remote exams are vital considerations for educators.

The Practical Guide to Using AI to do stuff

Three Things to Know about AI Tools and Teaching Agile Learning

The article talks about the integration of AI tools in education, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges they present. Educators emphasize the potential of AI to forge content while also stressing the importance of digital and information literacy in the AI era.

Training Options UM Generative AI

This resource provides external links to online learning programs, videos, website about pages, and speaker events that all relate to generative AI training. Many of these links teach how to incorporate generative AI, like ChatGPT, in the classroom responsibly. This resource describes generative AI as an opportunity for learning innovation.

Univ ETH

Academic dishonesty can be attributed to various factors, including peer pressure, performance anxiety, excuse-making, inability to manage the demands of student life, situations that encourage dishonesty, self-justification habits, unfamiliarity with academic dishonesty definitions, and a lack of understanding about consequences. Peer pressure, where students may pressure their peers to engage in dishonest practices, is one common cause. Some students may resort to cheating due to performance anxiety, inability to manage their academic workload, or a belief that unclear course policies and minimal penalties make cheating worthwhile. However, many students resist academic dishonesty due to moral values, a genuine interest in learning, fear of repercussions, respect for instructors and peers, effective time management, and religious beliefs.

Update Your Course Syllabus for ChatGPT by Ryan Watkins - Medium

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