Task Forces'
Four-Point Charge:

Understand the mission at hand—gathering information about AI initiatives at BU and other major research universities, developing recommendations for amplifying learning outcomes, creating University-wide policies, and laying the groundwork for a repository of positive AI use cases.

1. Information on Initiatives

Gather information about initiatives throughout BU and effective practices being adopted at other major research universities that are likewise focused on balancing the creative, multidisciplinary, and ethical use of generative AI.

3. Lay Groundwork

Lay groundwork for a University-wide repository of examples of positive uses for generative AI that others can adopt, as well as misuses others should want to avoid.

2. Develop Recommendations

Develop specific recommendations for how generative AI can be used to amplify learning outcomes in undergraduate and graduate education and for faculty and students in research.

4. Create

Create a set of recommended policies and best practices that can be adopted – and adapted – University-wide regarding the use of AI by students and faculty and help prevent its misuse or negative impact on learning outcomes or in research.