Explore leading generative AI policies for higher education.

With the help of undergraduates from the DS380 “Data, Society, and Ethics” class within the Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences, the BU AI Task Force collected and analyzed more than 100 documents from leading academic institutions. The documents below are presented in their original downloaded form. You can click "Continue Reading" to download these documents, find source URLs for the original sites, and filter documents using key themes to study the varied policies that address that theme.


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Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They Teach - The New York Times

Applying the Science of Learning in Your Teaching - Generative AI May Help - Teaching + Learning Lab

Artificial Intelligence - Office of Educational Technology

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning

This document discusses the increasing integration of AI in education, emphasizing its potential for personalized learning and process optimization. It addresses concerns arise about data privacy, AI biases, and its understanding of educational nuances, while reporting the importance of human involvement and aligning AI with educational goals.

Artificial Intelligence Resources for Tufts Faculty and Staff Cen

Assigning AI - Seven Approaches for Students, with Prompts by Ethan R., Mollick, Lilach Mollick

Assignment Makeovers in the AI Age Essay Edition 2013 Agile Learning

Causes of Academic Dishonesty - Academic Integrity Tutorial for Students - Northern Illinois University

Academic dishonesty can be attributed to various factors, including peer pressure, performance anxiety, excuse-making, inability to manage the demands of student life, situations that encourage dishonesty, self-justification habits, unfamiliarity with academic dishonesty definitions, and a lack of understanding about consequences. Peer pressure, where students may pressure their peers to engage in dishonest practices, is one common cause. Some students may resort to cheating due to performance anxiety, inability to manage their academic workload, or a belief that unclear course policies and minimal penalties make cheating worthwhile. However, many students resist academic dishonesty due to moral values, a genuine interest in learning, fear of repercussions, respect for instructors and peers, effective time management, and religious beliefs.

ChatGPT and Generative AI Discussion Group - Navigating the Future of Teaching and Learning Center for Teaching & Learning

This resource provides the guidelines for open virtual discussions revolving around ChatGPT and Generative AI. They invite people to join online meetings where people can engage in critical conversation, express thought and concerns, share experiences, learn together, and collaborate in a judgement free zone.

ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today - UCF

Cybersecurity NEU

Education in the World of ChatGPT by Josh Brake

The article discusses the impact of AI tools like ChatGPT on education. The writer, Josh Brake, highlights the importance of understanding and adapting to the increasing availability of powerful tools like ChatGPT in the educational sector.

Explore Generative AI Tools - Harvard University Information Technology

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidelines - Harvard University Information Technology

Guest Forum - Adapting College Writing for the Age of Large Language \n Models such as ChatGPT: Some Next Steps for Educators in Critical AI

Guest Post: AI Will Augment, Not Replace.

This article discusses the role of AI writing tools like ChatGPT in academics. The writer believes they'll enhance, not replace, the writing process.

Harvard ETH

How Professors Scrambled to Deal With ChatGPT
Beth McCurtrie, Beckie Supiano

Incorporating AI in Teaching - Examples from Yale Instructors - Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning

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